وقتی میخوام نسخه 7.2.2 رو به 7.2.3 آپدیت کنم خطای زیر رو میده:
Update Failed
An error occurred that prevented the update from completing successfully.
A fatal error occurred while fetching the update.
Please check to make sure your memory limits and execution time are set to the recommended values.
Please try again and if the issue persists, please contact support.
نیازمندیهاش رو هم رعایت کردم
با این حال خطا رو داره
Update Failed
An error occurred that prevented the update from completing successfully.
A fatal error occurred while fetching the update.
Please check to make sure your memory limits and execution time are set to the recommended values.
Please try again and if the issue persists, please contact support.
نیازمندیهاش رو هم رعایت کردم
با این حال خطا رو داره